The MD4 Reading (Mental Development for Reading) curriculum is a research based digital reading intervention that uses video game technology to remediate the cognitive and phonological weaknesses and deficits associated with dyslexia / struggling reading and teaches the struggling reader how to use their newly acquired skills to become a more fluent.
Following is a partial list of the research that was used in the development of the MD4 Reading curriculum.
- Alevras V. Reber D, Griffin JR. Dysphoneidetic dyslexia and visual perception: is there a relationship? On file in the M.B. Ketchum Memorial Library of Southern California College of Optometry, 1994.
- Anderson JR. Language, memory and thought. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Assoc. 1976.
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- Atkinson RC, Shiffrin RM. Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In K.W. Spence and J.T. Spence (Eds.). The psychology of learning and motivation. 1968.
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- Bauer RH. Recall after a short delay and acquisition in learning disabled and nondisables children. Journal of Learning Disabilities 1979.
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- Brainerd C, Kingma J, Howe M. Lont-term memory development and learning disability: Storage and retrieval loci of disabled/nondisabled differences. In S.J. Ceci (Ed.). Handbook of cognitive, social and neuropsychological aspects of learning disabilities. 1986.
- Camp BW, Dolcourt JL. Reading and spelling in good and poor readers. Journal of Learn Disabilities 1977
- Cardinal DN, Christenson GN, Griffin JR. Neurological-behavioral model of dyslexia. J Behavior Optom 1993
- Ceci SJ. A developmental study of learning disabilities and memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1984.
- Ceci SJ, Lea SE, Ringstrom MD. Coding process in normal and learning disables children: Evidence for modality specific pathways to the cognitive system. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory 1980.
- Christenson GN, Herriott MA, Ueda JT, Griffin JR. Dyseidesia and Visual Memory. On file in the M.B.
- Curley JF, Reilly LJ. Sensory process instruction with learning disables children. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1983
- Dempster FN. Memory span and short term memory capacity: A developmental study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 1978
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- Dunn R. Teaching students through their perceptual strengths or preferences. Journal of Reading 1988.
- Do N, Lo A, Griffin JR. The performance of dysphonetic dyslexics on the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills. On file in the M.B. Ketchum Memorial Library of Southern California College of Optometry, 1992.
- Eden GF, Stein JR, Wood MH, Wood FB. Verbal and visual problems in reading disability. J Learn Disabil. 1995.
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- Egan DE, Schwartz BJ. Chunking in recall of symbolic drawings. Memory and Cognition 1979.
- Elias PK, Elias MF, Robbins MA, Gage P. Acquisition of word-processing skills by younger, middle-aged and older adults. Psychology and Aging 1987.
- Ellis J. Transfer failure and proactive interference in short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory 1977
- Erickson GB, Griffin JR, Bowman B, Hinkle J, Grove J, Kaw R. Dyseidetic dyslexia: effect on visual decoding speed and accuracy. J Optom Vis Development 2000
- Farnham-Diggory S, Gregg LW. Short-term memory function in young readers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1975.
- Ferreri MV, Thompson KL, Griffin JR. Comparison of vergence facility between dyseidetic dyslexics, dysphonetic dyslexics and non-dyslexics. On file in the M.B. Ketchum Memorial Library of Southern California College of Optometry, 1994
- Fitts PM. Perceptual-motor skill learning. IN A.W. Melton (Ed.). Categories of human learning. New York: Academic Press. 1964
- Fischer KW. A theory of cognitive development: The control and construction of hierarchies of skills. Psychological Review, 1980
- Flynn J, Deering WM. Subtypes of dyslexia; investigation of Boder’s classification system using quantitative neurophysiology. Dev. Med Child Neurol. 1989
- Frick RW. Testing visual short-term memory: Simultaneous versus sequential presentations. Memory & Cognition, 1985.
- Gardner MF. Test of Visual Perceptual Skills. Burlingame, CA: Psychological & Educational Publications, 1982
- Gathercole, S. E. and Baddeley, A. D. Evaluation of the role of phonological STM in the development of vocabulary in children: A longitudinal study. Journal of Memory and Language 1989
- Gathercole, S. E. and Baddeley, A. D. (1990). The role of phonological memory in vocabulary
- acquisition: A study of young children learning new names. British Journal of Psychology, 1990
- Gathercole, S. E. and Baddeley, A. D. Working memory and language . Hove: Erlbaum 1993
- Gathercole, S. E. and Baddeley, A. D. The Children's Test of Nonword Repetition. Psychological Corporation, UK 1996
Gee, J. P. Good video games and good learning. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 2005
Gee, J. P. Good video games and good learning: Collected essays on video games, learning, and literacy. New York: Peter Lang 2007
Gee, J. P. (2009). Deep learning properties of good digital games: How far can they go? In U. Ritterfeld, M. Cody, & P. Vorderer (Eds.) Serious games: Mechanisms and effects. New York, NY: Routledge 2009
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- Griffin JR. Optometry’s role in reading dysfunction. J Optom Vis Development 1999
- Griffin JR, Walton HN. Therapy in Dyslexia and Reading Problems including Vision, Perception motor Skills, 2nd ed. Los Angles: Instructional Materials & Equipment Distributors, 1999
- Griffin JR. Genetics of Dyseidetic dyslexia. Optom Vis Sci. 1992
- Griffin JR. Prevalence of dyslexia. J Optom Vis Development 1992
- Griffin JR, Birch TF, Bateman GF, DeLand PN. Dyslexia and visual perception: is there a relation? Optom Vis Sci. 1993
- Guerin DW, Griffin JR, Gottfried AW, Christenson GN. Dyslexic subtypes and severity levels: are there gender differences? Optom Vis Sci. 1993.
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- Hess TM, Radtke RC. Processing and memory factors in children’s reading comprehension skill. Child Development, 1981
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- Katz L, Lacadie C, Gore JC. The angular gyrus in developmental dyslexia: task specific differences in functional connectivity within posterior cortex. Psychological Science 2000.
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- Kim J, Pekary L, Griffin JR. Effect of auditory and visual-motor feedback on orthography in dyslexics. Student Research Project, on file in the M.B. Ketchum Memorial Library, Southern California College of Optometry, Fullerton, 2002
- Kirk SA, Kirk WD. Psycholinguistic learning disabilities: Diagnosis and remediation. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. 1971
- Kleiman GM. Speech recording in reading. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1975
- Ko K, Khan SB, Griffin JR. A comparison between saccadic eye movements of Dyseidetic dyslexics and non-dyslexics. On file in the M.B. Ketchum Memorial Library of Southern California College of Optometry, 1994.
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- Kuhn, M. R., & Schwanenflugel, P. J. Fluency-oriented reading instruction: A merging of theory with practice. In K.A.D. Stahl & M.C. McKenna (Eds.), Reading research at work: Foundations of effective practice. NY: Guilford 2006
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